The Great Places and Spaces Project is a wonderful initiative for children, young people and families in Wexford. It is about sharing good ideas and information to inspire and encourage children, young people and families to enjoy activities and fun outside in the fresh air.
We thank all the children, from primary schools all over Wexford County, who shared their own experiences of Great Places and Spaces in Wexford. Their suggestions, in this booklet, are real and have been enjoyed by children, across the county, bringing a sense of wonder, wellbeing and joy.
Being outside, enjoying ourselves is good for us all and freedom to play outdoors is especially good for children and young people.
Moving around, playing and exercise in the open air, even for just 5 minutes, can help us feel good.
This booklet is a guide and a map for families and carers to support and encourage outdoor activities and play in the wonderful natural environments we have in County Wexford. The intention is to ensure that children and young people are active and healthy, with positive physical and mental wellbeing, in accordance with Ireland’s National Policy Framework for Children and Young People.
Being outdoors is fun. There is something about the freedom of outdoor spaces that is exciting and enjoyable.
So, check out the map and choose an outdoor adventure to enjoy today.