Wexford Mental Health Association are hosting a Mind your Workshop delivered by Linda Thorpe – Area Development Officer at Mental Health Ireland on Wednesday 7th February from 10.00AM to 4.00PM.
Mind Your Mental Health Training Workshop provides participants with an opportunity to reflect on:
Mental health and to learn strategies to enhance wellbeing.
Mind Your Mental Health is delivered in four units:
1 Understanding Mental Health and Wellbeing …
2. Stress and Thinking Patterns
3. Mental Health Difficulties, Recovery and Support
4.Minding your mental health strategies
The workshop format includes presentations, discussions, case studies and group activities which have been developed to:
• Increase awareness and understanding of mental health and wellbeing
• Provide participants with tools and strategies to enhance their mental health and well-being
• Promote the range of supports and resources available, both formal and informal.
There are approximately 20 places available on this course. A nominal fee applies.
If interested, please contact Theresa:
Email – wexfordmha@mentalhealthireland.ie
Tel – 053 914 0610