Self-Challenge Suggestions for September
• Plan meals in advance
• Plan a variety of menus
• Pick a new healthy menu to try out
• Eat a variety of foods
• Eat more vegetables
• Eat more fruit
• Drink more water
• Limit sugary foods
• Limit processed foods
• Plan your shopping, make a list
• Eat a little snack before going shopping
• Eat smaller portions
• Eat slowly
The above are suggestions for how you can start off by working towards a more healthy you!
Why not try one or more of these suggestions and take on our Self-challenge for September to ‘Eat Well’? Or come up with your own suggestions to Self-challenge yourself to become healthier?
Let us know how you’re doing on the Self-challenge. Together we’ll work towards our wellness goals!
Remember: ‘You can’t pour from an empty cup’!! You owe it to yourself to nourish yourself and take care of the precious and wonderful person that is you!